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How to get bright and glowy skin


Wondering how to brighten dull skin so that you can obtain a healthy, youthful glow? Learn about the most common reasons why you have dull skin and the tricks that you can do to go from lackluster to vibrant.

What are the Causes of Dull Skin?

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and like everything else in your body, you have to work hard to take care of it. From changes in your skin care routine to too much stress, even the smallest changes in your daily routine can impact your skin.


The first step in learning how to brighten dull skin is understanding the most common causes of dull skin. If you can figure out where your routine is lacking, you can start to make the necessary changes to return your skin’s healthy glow.

1. You Aren’t Drinking Enough Water

Dehydration can have serious negative impacts on your skin. When you don't drink enough water, you don't get enough blood flow to your body, and that includes under your skin. This can make your skin look less healthy. In addition, dehydration may cause your skin to become dry, crack, and look flaky. 

2. You Aren’t Moisturinzing Enough

Especially if you live in a dry environment, not properly moisturizing your skin can make your skin look dull. In fact, dryness is likely one of the most common causes of a dull face and skin because it can create cracks in your skin which allow dead skin cells to build up. For that reason, moisturizer is an incredibly important step in any face care routine.

3. You Have Buildup of Dead Skin Cells

As mentioned in the previous selection, the buildup of dead skin cells can impact the brightness of your skin. When dead skin cells build up in the cracks of your face, it can make your skin appear even and dull.  The buildup of dead skin cells is something that can easily be avoided by proper exfoliation and skin care routines. 

4. Your Environment is Impacting Your Skin

Your skin care routine will likely differ depending on where you live. While some climates are dryer, others are high in humidity. While dry environments might impact the brightness of your skin, environments that have high exposure to UV rays can damage your skin. If you live in a city that exposes you to more air pollution, you might find that you have more fine lines and dark spots on your face. This does not mean you need to move to a new city or state, it simply means that you need to be mindful of your skin care routine.

5. You Use Tobacco

We all know that smoking and using tobacco have several negative impacts on your lungs and body. However, the use of tobacco can also make your skin look quite dull and unhealthy. Further, the consistent and extended use of cigarettes often makes the skin appear waxy, wrinkled, and sallow over time.

6. You’re Stressed

Stress has the capability to wreak havoc on your body. Not only does it impact your mental state, but it can take a toll on your physical body, including your skin. It doesn't matter if you have experienced a big life event or experience stress in your daily life, stress is a serious contender for dry, lackluster skin. When you are stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol which can negatively impact blood flow to your skin, among other negative health impacts.

7. You Haven’t Gotten Enough ZZZs 

Sleep is good for your mind and body, and it can have an impact on the brightness of your skin. When you sleep, your body rests and rejuvenates. It allows your body and skin cells to repair themselves and begin to regenerate. If you do not get enough sleep, you do not allow your body to benefit from this important period of rest.

8. You Aren’t Eating a Healthy Diet

What foods and drinks you put into your body absolutely impact the brightness of your skin. Not only can certain foods impact your complexion, but not eating enough nutrients can make your skin appear dull. If you eat an excess of salty, sugary, and processed foods and do not ingest enough foods that are high in fiber, protein, and antioxidants, then your skin may not appear as healthy.

How to Brighten Dull Skin? 10 Tips and Tricks 

If you look in the mirror and feel like you’ve lost your natural glow and are wondering how to return your skin’s vibrance, then you are like many other women and men who have started to reinvent their skin care routines. With the following ten tips and tricks, you can get your healthy skin back in no time.

1. Be Gentle With Your Skin

One of the most important steps in maintaining bright and vibrant skin is establishing a gentle skin care routine. Not only should you avoid harsh scrubs and soaps when you remove the makeup and dirt from your face, but you should use gentle products that carefully remove the oils and grime from your skin. If you use harsh scrubs and hot water, your skin may appear more irritated, red, and flaky.

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliation should become a regular part of your skin care routine. Not only does regular exfoliation help make your skin glow, but it removes dead and excess skin cells that build up on the outside of your skin. Exfoliation helps to polish your skin which can also decrease the fine lines and smooth out the texture of your skin. You can use face masks, gentle brushes, and exfoliation tools at least twice a week to help avoid dull skin. Just make sure you ease your skin into exfoliation so that you don’t overdo it and irritate your skin.

3. Invest in Quality Moisturizer

Avoid dry skin by investing in quality moisturizer. You should moisturize at least twice a day to help maintain a healthy glow. Moisturizer helps to repair skin, protect your skin, and prevent moisture loss. So, moisturizer is a must for any skin-brightening routine.

4. Use Face Masks and Serums

Face masks are an excellent tool to moisturize skin and even exfoliate. Particularly face masks that contain antioxidants, shea butter, and hyaluronic acid are excellent additions to any skin care routine. Further, serums help boost skin brightness and reduce the signs of aging because of their highly concentrated contents.

5. Use Retinoids to Stimulate Collagen Growth

Retinoids are important for stimulating collagen growth. Collagen is important because it helps to cycle through skin cells and bring fresh skin cells to the surface of your face, which increases brightness and helps your skin look healthier. Retinoids are essentially a vitamin derivative and help brighten skin for a more natural glow. 

6. Self-Care to De-Stress

Because stress can have a negative impact on your mind, body, and skin, doing activities that help to reduce stress can have a major impact on your skin’s brightness. To de-stress, you may want to try taking a bath, meditating, doing yoga, coloring, journaling, going for a walk, or engaging in any other activity that makes you feel good!

7. Avoid Tobacco Products

Because tobacco use and smoking cigarettes have such a negative impact on your body, you may not be surprised that we suggest quitting the use of these products. You have likely heard this before, but we cannot stress it enough. If you quit the use of tobacco, your body--and skin--will greatly thank you.

8. Exercise

Exercise is a great way to not only de-stress, but it can also help to increase circulation in your body and skin which can help to de-clog pores and improve the appearance of your skin.  Exercise has many other benefits, but it is a great way to help increase the brightness of your skin.

9. Wear Sunscreen

Regardless of if you live in a climate that gets harsh UV exposure year-round or if you only see the sun for a few months out of the year, you should always wear sunscreen. Too much sunlight can damage skin and cause dark spots and rapid aging. Add sunscreen to your daily skin care routine to try to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.

10. See a Professional

Sometimes, going to a professional for an in-office facial and professional skin care is the best way to reset your skin and start a new skin care routine fresh. You can go to a trained dermatologist to improve the appearance of your skin or go to a spa for a relaxing facial! 

Where Can I Find Products to Brighten My Face? 

Taking care of your skin involves establishing a healthy routine, but it also means that you should invest in the best products to boost your skin’s vibrance. To start taking back control of your skin, check out Sand and Sky’s quality products, such as Dreamy Glow Drops and Super Bounce Mask today!

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